Federal American Rescue Plan Act
(ESSER III Funds) – Public Input
Over the past year the federal government passed a number of flexible stimulus aids for school districts to utilize to help get students back in the classroom, improve learning environments, and to support in-person learning.
The purpose of this page is to receive public feedback on the requirements found in the Federal American Rescue Plan Act, Section 2001(i) (ESSER III). This Federal Act requires PK-12 public schools to develop a “Plan for Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services” and a “Plan for Possible Use of Funds."
We must stress that these plans are still in draft form and will not be finalized until feedback is gathered and reviewed. You will notice in the “Return to School Plan” the 2021-22 school year will start “normal” with almost no COVID-19 restrictions. Masks will not be required and will remain optional as we begin the 2021-2022 school year. MPS will continue to require self-screening before entering our buildings. If a person does not feel well or has a fever, they should not enter our school buildings. Beyond that, school will resume in 2021-22 with no specific restrictions related to COVID-19. Any changes to current protocols will be based upon Directed Health Measure and guidance from the Four Corners Health Department.
MPS is asking staff, students, families and the community to provide feedback on the “Return to School Plan” and the “Plan for Possible Use of Funds” through a formal survey. If you have suggestions to address student learning needs related to the COVID-19 pandemic, or would like to offer ideas to promote the health and safety for the use of our facilities, please respond to the survey using the link below. The plan and feedback survey are available below.